PAHS ONG Includes research activities specifically of a Philanthropic institution dedicated to Holistic and Alternative health by:

Method N.A.V.E (Nominon Auto Volition Exploratory) founded by Shawn J. Puett through merging techniques of altering origins of non academic hypnotic and mental health therapeutic methods, Namely Dianetics, QHHT, and conceptual practices of Carl Jung but not limited to, emerging a novel art of NAVE MHT (Metaphysical Healing Therapy)

NAVE consist of specific areas of expansion research via sub-conscious communication with the patient in deep Theta states.

The groups of exploration include:

Past life regression.

Future time line visualization that can be avoided or enjoyed if chosen.

Current life traumas.

Guided Shadow work.

Guided Creation of astral pleasure moments.

Manifestation techniques.

This project icludes Somatic manifestation reseach of:

Deceases – Birth Marks – anxiety – addictions – habits – self limitations. 

 Consisting of a novel classified subgroup nominated as:

Puer Aeternus 

This project consists of research of the aging genome by realtion to sub-concience conceptions and explorations of retarding the degenerative process.

DNA activation / celular resets

Quantum leaps / The attraction or alteration of current time line frequencies.

New life navigation by Manifestation from the astral conscious into the metaphysical.

The objective,

To be causative overall in the Philanthropic areas of improved humanitarian existence.   

As a second activity and objective  Holistic Society.

Holistic society Eco-Vila

Self sustained Practices, education and execution of self sustainable organic farming.

Alternative energies of solar and mini hydro electric and water heating by solar but not limited to.

Permaculture eco-friendly Home constructions.

Agro Forestation.

Objective is to expand into lands that are currently available for negotiations and made available for ORG members and volunteers.

*PAHS ORG holistic society is now in institution drafting stages.