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FeaturedPuer Aeternus

What exactly is Puer Aeternus? (Eternally Youthful)
Anti-Aging sessions 

With the intent of speaking to the Innate (in Theta state) we target to halt and invert the aging process (programing) through communication with the corporeal cells linked to somatic mind programming in collaboration with the Higher Self. This process has been briefed by channelers such as Kryon and Interstellar contacts such as the Pleiadean Swarrus as possible and a reality of a future we now stand within reach. 

Puer Aeternus sessions are conducted once a month for three months minimum. As aging is a slow process one could expect the inversion also to be at a similar rate or faster depending on the collaboration and belief of the patient. 

What type of patient collaboration is involved? 

Current day Society in general posses and participate daily in self-destructive habits…, smoking for example, will need to be tapered off to zero, as well as excessive coffee drinking, drug use no alcohol, industrialized and processed foods, good drinking water quality, among other things discussed in the initial consultation. 

If your commitment is at this level, then please join our members only Patrean to get access to NAD supplements and somatic reset sessions via shadow work and personal support.